Garden Jobs for Early Spring

Average time to read: 0.7 minutes

You do not have to do these things. Pick and choose the ones you want, or none at all. Your Cottage Corner is a place to relax. If the thought of a to-do list sends your mind into overdrive, please just go make a mug of herbal tea and sip it under a blanket instead.

However! There are very many gardeners out there who are full of springtime energy. We’re putting those gardeners to work with a list of great garden jobs to tackle in early spring:

  1. Prepare frost protection

  2. Place pots of early fall bulbs in the sun

  3. Clean bird feeders

  4. Make a garden plan

  5. Start peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes indoors early

  6. Clean & sharpen tools

  7. Repair or replace equipment like shelves or grow lights

  8. Install a rain catchment system

  9. Take stock of last year’s preserves

  10. Learn more! Read a gardening book, listen to a gardening podcast, watch a gardening TV show, or all three!

Did we miss anything? What garden jobs do you like to tackle in early spring?


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