Vegetable Plant Families

Different plants have different needs. A big part of your success in the garden will be knowing your plants well enough to provide the best possible conditions for growth. That’s why it is useful to have a basic understanding of the vegetable plant families.

Plant families are determined by botanical classification. Within plant families, there are many shared characteristics such as common pests and diseases, nutritional requirements, and other traits you can use to your advantage when growing.

Take some time to review the chart below. It features a breakdown of the vegetable plant families and highlights some of the shared characteristics that might specifically apply to growing in containers and other small spaces.

Bookmark this page so you can refer back to it when planning or caring for your garden. There are many other plant families besides the vegetable ones shown above. Plant families are a large and fascinating subject and if you want to know more than the basics we provide here, please let us know!


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Powdery Mildew