
Average time to read: 0.9 minutes

Using mulch in the garden is probably the # 1 top tip for keeping things simple. That’s because a layer of mulch will:

  • Slow moisture evaporation (and reduce your watering schedule)

  • Attract and house beneficial insects

  • Repel pests

  • Prevent weeds from establishing

  • Guard against soil erosion

Soil-dwelling organisms will also be working away to break down and use the mulch. This enriches the soil nutrition and provides organic matter to improve soil structure over time. Truly, skipping mulch is a big mistake.

Choose natural mulches such as dry leaf litter, straw, untreated wood chips, sawdust, and shredded bark. Grass clippings can work but they tend to attract slugs so it’s best to use something else if you can.

Apply mulch like Mother Nature does: in the fall. Follow her lead and leave it to overwinter. This will protect and nourish the soil below. Anything that hasn’t been broken down into the soil during winter can be gently pulled away for planting in the spring. Top up the layer of mulch as-needed, usually about every 1-3 years.

For those of us working in pots and small containers, top them off with mulch whenever the soil is replaced.


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