Container Selection

Average time to read: 1.5 minutes

Choosing the right containers for your container garden is important. One of the more challenging aspects of container gardening is how much more of the growing conditions are your responsibility. Ensuring your plants are in appropriate containers is a big part of providing the resources they need to thrive. So what kind of considerations should be made when choosing containers?

First things first, size matters! Your plants need room to grow, both above and below soil level. Choose a container that allows for this. As a general rule of thumb, vegetable plants should be grown in at least 8” soil depth. However, 10 or 12” soil depth is even better. Not only does this give roots the room they need to grow, but you’ll also be spared from a very tight watering schedule. Smaller pots will dry out faster and on hot sunny days, you might find yourself watering a container garden twice a day if your pots are too small.

Next, make sure your containers have holes for drainage. If they don’t, you’ll have to drill holes into them. You might even consider propping large containers up on pot toes to really make sure drainage is happening. The old trick of putting gravel into the bottom of a pot instead of drainage holes is not advised. Do not ever use a pot or container without drainage unless you are a master waterer. (Is that a thing? It is now!)

Then, stick to containers made of materials that do not conduct heat very well. Materials like metals and glass will heat up too much in direct sun, burning any roots near the outer edges of the pots. Instead, choose terracotta, wood, burlap, or recycled plastic containers.

Aesthetically, have fun with it! Every gardener has their own preferences and if you don’t know yours yet, you soon will. Keep in mind these pots and containers will likely be visible from your windows, or may be right in the room. Your cottage corner can complement your interior design and look as styled or as eclectic as you want!


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