Planning Your Space

Average time to read: 1.1 minutes

Probably the hardest thing about learning how to garden is learning how to have patience for the process. A garden is slow going no matter how you look at it, and that’s kind of the point! Mother Nature is in the driver’s seat, we’re just along for the ride.

Creating a bit of a plan is a great way to busy yourself in the beginning. It’s also a great way to maximize your efforts. With small spaces especially, it’s important to get our timing right. Otherwise, we might leave gaps in our planting schedule and lose out on potential harvests.

But planning for the season can be tricky when you’re new to gardening. What exactly are you planning for? How do you know what to do?

We’ve created a planning guide specifically tailored to new gardeners working in small spaces. It’ll walk you through the basics, direct your focus where it needs to be, and guide you through the planning process step-by-step.

When you’re through, you’ll have created a schedule for the season, a cheat-sheet for your chosen crops, and seasonal to-do lists so you never miss a task. If you like the system, you can get the updated calendar each year. Clip them into a binder so your records stay neat and tidy!

Is it absolutely necessary to use our garden guide? Of course not! But if you want a crash course in growing food in small spaces that will make sure you’re confident and well-prepared, it is worth the investment.

Get your copy here!


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